Tuesday, October 20, 2009

New Zealand

I was thinking... there's this whole rant about USA vs Canada thing... what about us and the land of sheep... think of it
Country of bimbos vs the great white north
Down under vs the land of sheep
so many new zealands these days come to australia... I reckon its a little wierd... not that im not against it... but picture this...
"Its a cold winters day down here in Australia... around 10 degrees Celcius or less and your dressed up with your jacket and scarf and nice long jeans... oh no... their comes a person in SHORTS and a T-SHIRT and guess where they're from... NEW ZEALAND!!! They probably have a sheep trailing them too after coming from their house with mint sauce on their chin from eating lamb chops!!!! Then they want to become Aussie citizens cos we're so aweosme... heres a test to prove if you really are an Australian!!!
1. Do you really want to be Australian?
2. Really?
3. Whats better..
a)watching NRL
4. Steve Irwan is...
5. Which country are you really a citizen of???
b)All of the above
6.Sheep are...
b)who cares
*i do not mean to insult anyone! If you feel hurt... Im sorry... I was bored on facebook and decided to blog!


Its the begninning of a new term and its when the test results come back! Realising that I recived with an average of 80% which makes me feel ensured that if I DID study I could have possible gotten a 100% but who wants to be the nred of the back anyway???
Nerds are gay and anyone you tries to be one... BIG MISTAKE... So Ive learnt something... put your mind to it and you can do great things... they may be terrible yes... but great!!!
Struggling between school and a life... My parents want me to do fantastically in school and i just can't be bothered to try... but then again... what do you care... you don't even know me!!! Im just a John Doe blabbing about my life!!!! Chances are no one will read this!!!

Monday, October 19, 2009


You know... I never really understood blogs... isn't it people basically talking about their lives and complaining how dreadful it is??? I don't know... I reckon its a virtual diary to show the world how you feel in an attempt of some sympathy!!! But hey... Im no phychic make you feel good person... Im just saying what I think!!!!
Ill conclude with this!